Selasa, 18 Januari 2011

campursari musical instruments

Usually the instrument used for this campursari combine some of the Javanese gamelan and some modern musical instruments. Usually the gamelan is used, among others: 

1. Slenthem
2. Peking
3. Kendhang
4. Gong
5. Bonang (not all parts)
6. Suling

That too can be added and subtracted as needed. While the modern musical instrument most often used among other

Single organ

Guitar (sometimes)

Usually a single organ is used in all sides, because the rhythm is considered strong, so do not need a lot of musical instruments. Even sometimes in performances in the villages, with just one single organ is enough to display this Java campursari. Well, this one kind of music is one form of the popularization of traditional music of Java which is secular, because it prefers entertaining elements. This could be Campursari pop or combined with dangdut music.

Even the bridesmaids music like kebo demand even been modified with a single organ.

 Type of instrument

1. Kendhang

2. Slenthem

3. Peking

3. Gong

 4. Bonang

5. Suling

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